
Projects Abound

It is sometimes tough to keep up with all that I am involved in.  I have put this blog on the back burner for too long.  Last month my daughter, Laura, (http://laurasphotojournal.wordpress.com/) told me about a free photo "class" she was signing up for through Paper Coterie  and told me I might want to give it a try.  Tracey Clark’s Picture the Holidays involves taking a photo each day in December using the prompt of the day.  Well, it is nearly December 5 and I finally got one photo taken, tweaked to my satisfaction and posted on the Facebook site. 

So many of these participants have such wonderful photos and ideas and I was having a very real block on the photos.  I knew that I could probably have created something in fabric much easier than a photo.  So this afternoon I decided to change my focus by going to the basement and getting out the Christmas decorations.  I sorted some items, bagged some for Goodwill since they did not seem to have meaning for me any longer.  I put a few decorations up in only a few places.  When I came upon a box containing picture frames, I found an old frame that once belonged to one of my relatives many, many years ago.  I thought of the prompt from December 2--reframing Christmas.  I decided that I could reframe a Christmas card in this antique frame.  It had lost its luster, so I took out some gold rubbing paste from my scrapbooking supplies and highlighted the carved details of the frame.  I put a small sleigh with seasonal decor next to it, took many photos, and got one I liked.   I played with it in Photoshop Elements and liked the effect of the plastic wrap, so that is what I posted.

So, I just needed to divert myself to get a bit of creativity flowing.  I still have a few days of catching up to do, but I will get there.  As for sewing, I am going to be a bit behind on that as well!

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