
Nearly November....Where Has October Gone?

October 22, 2012

October began with our daughter flying in from Taiwan to visit for 11 days.  And they were days packed with so much.  Her main project with me was to make a dress.  I haven't sewn clothing for a few years--especially such a dress, but with her help on some of it, we got it done.  I was hemming it the night before she flew back.

I am working on a book proposal and got stuck on one pattern design's measurements, so took a bit of a break and worked on class teaching samples. Here are some of them and I look forward to teaching others how to make these. 

Trees in a Square Table Topper
Dresden Poinsettia Wall Hanging

Paper Pieced Trees

I went with 3 friends today on our own short shop hop.  Had a wonderful time.  I enjoyed visiting 3 different fabric stores and each one has one or more differences in what they sell or display that makes shopping exciting.  I found a few pattern companies I had not heard of before--Vanilla House Designs and Common Thread Designs interested me.  Both had patterns that are whimsical and useful (thinking Christmas gifts) that I could make using many of my scraps.  I hope I can find the time to whip up some of the items before December. I look forward to the day that I see posts on other blogs about people finding my patterns interesting to them.

We had a wonderful lunch--the food was luscious and the presentation spectacular!  Service was very personal and the facility warm and friendly.  If you are ever in Reed City, MI, do plan lunch at Pere Marquette Catering Company at 102 East Upton Ave.  They are open for lunch Monday through Friday (later hours on Fridays).  Definitely a treat.

Off to my personal creation station with the goal of posting very soon information and photos of my projects.

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