
Book Proposal Sent Out

Today was an exciting day. I finished my quilt samples and got the proposal and patterns together and sent it off to the publisher for their consideration.  I feel so much pressure off my shoulders.  But now I have to work on the next step of the process for me. Since I only had to outline some of the sections of the book, I will now get those worked out and written.  But, I am going to take a bit of time to straighten things up in the sewing area to get ready for that next step. 
It was such a nice, sunny and fairly warm day as I headed off to
the post office with my proposal and samples all boxed up. 
Half square triangles-another technique: I had used this once years ago and liked it. 

Take two squares. Lay them right sides together and sew 1/4" around all the edges. 

Then cut them diagonally, twice.  

This gives you 4 half square triangles as shown below.

Press them open. Trim as needed. I usually cut all my pieces larger than the measurement so I can trim them to the correct size and have the diagonals true. I find this less frustrating than working with a block that might be 1/16" smaller than it should be. 

Of course, the sides are all bias edges, but it is a nifty way of getting 4 HST blocks without drawing one diagonal line on any of the squares. 

I found a good tutorial which gives the mathematical formula to use if you know the finished size for the HST blocks and want to know the size squares to cut. (Finished size of HST block, divided by 0.64.) I tried using it and found that with some sizes I had to round the measurement up to the closest 1/4", but I trim, so this wasn't a problem. You can find it at: HERE.  

I am trying the EQ Stitch tutorial lessons to be able to design some embroideries.  I think a sample book would be a good idea to keep track of the density choices and what the stitches look like on one specific embroidery. I am designing an embroidery to go with the animal applique I designed for the upcoming blog hop organized by Bea.  It runs April 22-26 and I have a cute applique pattern for you to download as well as a planned giveaway.  Mark your calendars, I hope to have you stop by. 

Have fun quilting, sewing, organizing, or just playing with your fabrics. 

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