
Art Quilt Genre Gets Big Boost

I will cut to the chase. Ann Loveless won the $200,000 Art Prize Award for her stunning art quilt! The public had 10 finalists to vote for as their choice for Grand Prize Winner. I quote my friend, Leslie's, Facebook post:

"More than 49,000 people cast 446,850 votes over 16 days, 
divided into two rounds of voting, 
to pick "Sleeping Bear Dune Lakeshore" its favorite 
among 1,524 works of art in ArtPrize 2013. It is amazing!"

Her work is amazing. She has entered the ArtPrize twice before. Guess "3rd time is the charm."

MSN News has a report here.
A local story shows more photos of the mural.

Ann taught a workshop for our guild a year ago, which I was able to take.  She is an amazing artist and a wonderful teacher. It was so easy to follow her instructions and leave with a great landscape quilt. Unfortunately, I was able to visit ArtPrize only one day and did not get to see her piece.

I am going to be participating in another Blog Hop sponsored by EQ and headed up by Bea from Beaquilter. I look forward to designing another cute fall-themed applique to share with you. Mark your calendars for the starting date of October21. 

I have finished the last of the Persian Star blocks for the swap. Well, I still have one of my own blocks to finish, but those that had to be mailed are done and sent. I wish I could have gotten better photos, they do not show the actual colors. 

1 comment:

  1. That quilt the won the big prize was pretty amazing. It looks like she had it up on stiff panels to make it easy to install (and to protect it?). It was beautiful, so thanks for posting that on your blog.

    The Persian Star blocks are amazing--so fun to look at all your variations. Beautiful!

    Elizabeth E.
