
Sew in the New Year!

Happy New Year!

I look forward to a new year that is more organized and thus, filled with more sewing time. 
I have not made my list of new year resolutions, but I know organizing my sewing area will be at the top. 

Today I am working on the Merry Mayhem Mystery. I have not had time to get the preliminary sewing done, so I am already behind. But I have all day. I will save the directions given each hour and work as I can. I will be posting my progress every so often during the day. Let me know what you are working on, or doing today.

Update on my Mystery Quilt Progress: (3:18 PM EST)

I found the scrap fabrics that fit the dimesions. Pressed. Cut the larger pieces, then the smaller pieces. Knew these were to be sewn into half square triangles. Didn't know how the 2-1/2" squares were to be used until the clues were posted. Glad I waited since my interpretation of the initial instructions would have been a disaster (or a great deal of seam ripping). It was my interpretation. I am a very visual person -- I need directions with illustrations of the steps. But I think now that I have the entire set of steps, this will be a nice quilt. So I will post a photo of what I have done so far: 

The first 2 blocks are sewn. And they are the correct size! I am using an older sewing machine (my mother-in-law's Singer) and the markings are not correct, so I am pleased. 

Stopped to help fix dinner and eat. Decided it was time to stop when this mistake happened:

Fixed it and have 12 blocks done.  

So until tomorrow, the sewing machine will be off and I will do some twilling on the mug rug I am making. Look for photos and progress tomorrow. Thank you for visiting. 

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