
Bowl Cozy Winner Chosen

I never used a random generator, so I thought I would try it rather than put the names in a bag and draw one. Here is the result from the 3 comments left the other day: 
And here is the winner of the cozy: 
I will be contacting Janarama and getting a bowl cozy out in the mail. 

Be sure to join me and the many other bloggers for the Think Ruffles Blog Hop that starts today and goes through March 14. Here is the list of blogs to visit:

March 5th

March 6th

March 7th

March 10th
March 11th

March 12th  

March 13th

March 14th


  1. Looking forward to seeing your ruffles! ... :) Pat

  2. I love the turkey and have always wanted to make a Dresden Plate...but haven't yet. Seeing yours gets me thinking about doing so! :)
