
Sewing for a Baby Gift -- Bowl Cozies

I have been busy sewing late into the evenings for the past two days. Tomorrow I am attending a baby shower for our cousin's daughter. I had to make a few items. Of course, I wrapped the present without taking a photo of what I put in it. But it did include these microwave bowl cozies. 

I also made some burp cloths from this free burpies pattern. I did not make mine elaborate with bias binding and since it is a boy, I did not use lace. I used flannel on both sides and stitched around the edge after turning them right side out. I could make one in about 10 minutes, so I was stitching away and had 6 done in no time. 

Pincushion Prototype

I am drafting a pattern for a monthly pincushion class I am going to start at The New Ewe. 

This one uses 2 charm squares and half of one strip from a jelly roll--and a good amount of stuffing. I am going to use a HST technique I read about on She Can Quilt's blog. It is #4 Make 8 HSTs from 2 Squares. I like teaching quilters new ways of doing things. I have tried many of the HST techniques on this blog post, but this one was new to me, so I figured it would be new to others as well. 

EQ Photo Fun Blog Hop Coming

I am participating in the EQ Photo Fun Blog Hop hosted by Carol FUN THREADS. It begins April 14 and ends April 16. There will be 8 of us posting various techniques to use photos in EQ. So, do check out the fun that starts soon. 

Nancy Zieman's Autobiography

I am reading Seams Unlikely by Nancy Zieman, thanks to a friend who loaned me her book. Nancy's story really is amazing. I am halfway through the book and have enjoyed each chapter (which none are very long). It is amazing to think about how and what she has accomplished in her lifetime-a true pioneer in the sewing world. With blogging, there is a new frontier to explore and I am having a great time exploring its surface! Can't wait to finish the book.

What is your next project? Mine is cleaning my studio so I can start a new project.


  1. I am working on a quilt that stared off as one thing and changed because of a cutting error but I couldn't be happier with it! I love new cutting techniques and your pincushion is just the cutest!

    1. Do you have something on microwave bowl cozies, my husband steals all my dish towels anytime he heats something up!
