
WoB Blocks, Pattern Update

I have finished two more Women of the Bible Blocks. I am a bit behind of sewing the blocks, but I am fitting little bits of sewing time into my busy days. I think the next week will be less hectic and I might be able to get more sewing into my days.
I took the fabric that I found in my box of 5" scraps and made Rachel's Double Cross block. 
I went to my scrap draw of greens and blues and paper pieced the Palm block for the study of Tamar.

Pattern Update
While still cannot reveal the pattern, I did get an email from Cut Loose Press saying that the pattern had been accepted and sent on to the proofing committee. I am excited and as soon as it is published, I will post a photo of my quilts on my blog. 

The sunshine we have had for the past 3 days has melted some snow, but it is still cold outside. I am glad I can sew in a sunny, warm room. Hope your days are sunny and filled with happy sewing experiences.  


  1. your blocks look great! I DO want to start another one, but there's a break right?

  2. There's a group here in town that has begun a Bible study and are designing and making a quilt to go with each study they do - what an awesome idea! blessings, marlene
