The idea of an email greeting to friends at this time of year has never appealed to me. I enjoy getting a greeting card in the mail, with a real penned signature and maybe a short, but personal, message as well. So that is what we do every year at our house.
I actually enjoy a visit to the post office and choose the stamps I want to adhere to the envelopes. (Yes, I could order them on line, but I like what I call the old, traditional way of doing it.)
This year, I had a few offers (each one for 10 free cards) from Shutterfly. I paid only shipping and sales tax. (I don't have any affiliation with Shutterfly, I just like their products and the their wonderful service.) The cost was about 60 cents per card. A a few months ago, as I received these special offers, I decided I would use some of my quilt photos to design our Christmas cards. So over a few month this is what I designed:
"Happy Christmas Village" wallhanging
turned out to be cute cards.
And the Post Office had some gingerbread house stamps
that went well with the cards.
A portion of my "Wonky Logs" quilt made some bright cards.
I used this quilt photo because it matched a background
I wanted to use on the reverse side of the card.
Do you have a special quilt or two you could see pictured on a greeting card
for a particular day or person?
I close this post by saying, "Peace and Good Cheer to All."
what a great idea! I need to have some cards like this on hand :) I love shutterfly, I often get their free albums and just pay tax and shipping, plus maybe a few extra pages.