
Snowing Means Sewing

I know it is snowing in many parts of the U.S. today and many areas have had or will have heavy accumulations of snow. The warm waters of Lake Michigan sometimes make it difficult for the weather forecasters to predict how much snow various areas of West Michigan will get. We could get 4 inches and 10 miles away they could get 10 inches! When I wake up in the morning I'll see what we have here. 

These are photos of our deck right now. We had about 6 inches from the other day, but it looks like 12 inches now (and it is still snowing steadily). 
(I left the tomato cages and pots on the deck this fall.)

(And the chair was left out!)

Whatever the amounts, the silence and peacefulness on a snowy night like tonight is wonderful.

After church, a day like today meant staying in and relaxing at the sewing machine. Our meals were leftovers, so I accomplished much while sewing. 

The Island Batik Ambassadors are working on items to Give this month. 
I am using Island Batiks scraps from this past year's projects as well as my batting scraps to make kennel quilts for Bellwether Harbor Animal Shelter and Training Center. Which is located in our county of residence. 

Their mission statement says: "We are dedicated to the health and well-being of the abandoned, abused and neglected dogs and cats coming into our shelter, preparing them for their adoption with people looking for forever companionship. We do this through medical care, socialization, training, and sometimes rehabilitation.
We work with people looking to adopt our animals by helping them to find the dog or cat that is the best fit with their lifestyle. We do this through an interview process, multiple visits, education and training.
Our ultimate goal is to encourage and support the human animal bond."
The kennel quilts are for the cats. 
I am zig-zag stitching the batting strips together. 

I sewed the Island Batik scraps in crazy quilt style onto the batting. I opened each sewn piece, ran a row of stitching down the piece (about center), then added the next piece. 

I trimmed the crazy quilt section to 14" x 18" and cut a piece of fleece the same size. I sewed the 2 sections right sides together, rounding the corners and leaving an opening for turning out. 

I top-stitched the opening closed as I went around the entire quilt using a zig-zag stitch.
I will make more tomorrow as I predict the snow will be deep and I would rather stay home!


  1. The snow looks so pretty.

    That is a great use of fabrics and will be so appreciated.

  2. Really great project! I love the fleece on the back, it will make it so nice and cozy.

  3. Okay...I love these kennel mats. I'm always wondering what to do with my remnants of backing....THANKS Nanc! Isn't it crazy how one day we are still looking at a mess of leaves on the ground...the next a foot of snow! Brrrrrr....

    1. Perfect for today's Tuesday Archives! THANK YOU for linking your pet bed tutorial!!!

  4. Very nice Kennel Quilt, Nancy, and a great way to give this season!

    For those who make your Kennel Quilt pattern and want more free Kennel Quilt patterns, follow the link to "The Quilt Pattern Magazine's" (TQPM) Kennel Quilt Program. You'll find a number of them there and lots of information on where and how to help animals in need. - http://www.kennelquilts.com
