
Quilting Anew


Yes, that is how I am working at my quilting today.  "More positive" describes my attempt.
For a month my husband and I wintered in Florida. We enjoyed the weather, the excursions to museums, and the beach--fishing for him and collecting shells for me. (I am not a sunbather!) We enjoyed the people we met.

But! (Yes, a "but.") We missed home! I missed my sewing machine and my projects, my friends. While away, I did little with social media. I think that was somewhat good. I realize I enjoy sharing what I am making and finding out what others are working on.
Arriving home, we unpacked, stocked the refrigerator, and got back into our regular routine. Except my routine now includes truly sorting, organizing and cleaning out my crafty areas (we have a small room makeover planned where I sew). I am approaching it in a new way.

I read a post by my friend Elizabeth at OPQuilt.com and I, too, need to use a paper calendar. I will  see what I have committed to doing, upcoming events, and better plan my blog posts.

I decided to sew up projects that are stacking up instead of moving them back and forth, here and there in my room. I'm calling it Get It Done--Don't Move It! I've wasted productive time moving things around.

Today, the first thing I saw was fabric for a pillowcase for my son-in-law. Half of it was cut. I completed and packaged it to mail out tomorrow! Oh, how happy that makes me. I will move on, one project at a time, and am sure I will make progress.

Now, off to get the calendar and fill in my quilting commitments.

How do you keep focused on your projects?


  1. Welcome home.
    That is so strange. I filled in my paper calendar this morning. And I told my husband I'm going to work from stacks instead of trying to find some place to put everything. I'm finding fabric that I can't remember what I was going to do with it. I'm working on a solution for that now and not just another stack. I wonder how long we will last?

  2. Welcome home. It's always good to go, but great to come home too.

  3. Being in Florida for a month sounds pretty good to me but I would miss my sewing too. Quite exciting to clean out and pull together a new space for your crafting and sewing. Enjoy the new space and organization. I could use the 'Get it Done' approach too but this year I'm just trying to make more with what I have and so far it's going pretty well. My social media participation has fallen way off the rails though.

  4. I wish we had been able to meet in person while you were in Florida!
    I would miss my sewing room while here too, but the advantage is I have sewing things here and duplicates in our location for the summer.

    Your pillowcase fabric is adorable! My grandson would surely love it.

    I love paper journals and calendars. I have both going even though I have all my appointments on my phone calendar. I just like having the paper there to see at a glance.
