
Quilt Projects Completed

I worked furiously to get many sewing projects done during the past 2 weeks as I will be taking a few weeks off because of upcoming foot surgery.

Two finished quit projects I sent to my favorite longarm quilter, Michelle Fialek, are finished and they both look beautiful.
The table topper made from leftover corners cuts from the mystery quilt I worked on this past winter.

I love the swirls that Michelle put in the pinwheel blocks which gives them a spinning effect. 

Before approving the final Cranes Wallhanging pattern for Cut Loose Press, I followed the directions and made a second wallhanging.

I like to see how other quilters deal with the quilting motifs. 
Michelle saw fluttering birds, and her quilting works toward showing the fluttering. 

Michelle also quilted my TREES quilt from the 2015 Mid-Century Modern Bee exchange. 
This is a improvisational block I designed. 
I like the breezy-like quilting Michelle did and I am working on finishing a faced binding on it. 

Happy Stitching!
I'll be back in a few weeks.


  1. Good luck with your surgery. Love your trees, that was a fun block.

  2. I had to come over here to see this quilt--it's really quite a masterpiece! I love seeing all the trees going everywhichway, yet cohesive in form. Great idea, and fun that we were all able to participate!
