
Quilt Photography

I hope your holidays were the best they could be. My husband and I haven't yet celebrated Christmas with our daughters and their spouses. We are waiting for the Seattle couple to come in early January. Today, after his cousin and his wife left (they had a funeral to attend in town), I told him we had to open the presents we got for each other. (We knew what they were.) I wanted to open my photography stand!

After reading the blog post of OPQuilt.com HERE, I knew I had to get this as my Christmas present. I must thank Elizabeth for all the legwork to find a great stand for photographing quilts! I don't really have a place or a set-up to get a good straight-on photo of my quilts. I am super excited to start using this. 

I set this up very easily today. It is light-weight and easy to carry in its case which holds all the pieces in their place. 

I did purchase 6 more clips, so I have 8 (for those large bed quilt photos that have always been so hard to get). 

The rods are aluminum, so my idea of using my small magnetic level didn't work out; but I decided to put it in the case anyway.

I found some references to taking good quilt photographs that I will read in the next few days. One thing I have heard for a few years is that taking photos straight-on is the best way to show our quilts, especially for competition photos. 
From Angela Huffman via APQS: HERE and Simple Simon and Co. HERE.

Have a great start to your New Year sewing!

1 comment:

  1. I added that stand to my wish list too. It looks really interesting.
