
Grandma's Crocheting Started My Collection

My copy arrived on Saturday!

I was delighted in late April, 2019, to learn that my submission for the Vintage Life volume of Uppercase Encyclopedia of Inspiration was accepted for publication. 

Filling 448 pages, over 80 participants contributed stories about their vintage collections. That's me on page 392!

I have been collecting crocheted potholders for many years. It all began, as a child, when I got one of my grandma's crocheted dress potholder after she passed away. 

I was 8 years old when she died. I remember my mother telling me about all the items Grandma crocheted over the years to use in her house and to give as gifts. One story I found inspirational was that my grandma broke her arm later in life and told the doctor that he had to cast it so she would still be able to crochet. That's how much she liked the crocheting. 

I learned to crochet when my 6th grade teacher offered a few weeks of after school lessons to anyone who wanted to learn. I made a few things over the years, including an afghan for our first daughter. I put the crochet hooks away as I enjoyed quilting more. I began collecting potholders from various resale stores. Being able to examine and touch the potholders influences my purchases. 

Do you collect items? Perhaps items that recall life as a child? 


  1. How exciting! Congratulations on being published!
    I couldn’t follow your link at the moment, so I’ll be back to visit again later and see if it works then.
    Nice to read about your crocheting!
    I don’t really collect anything but often find it hard not to buy vintage embroidered tablecloths when I see them in charity shops ..... I feel they should have a loving home, but I can’t buy them all!
    Barbara xx

  2. Very cool. I love the look of vintage things but haven't really collected anything specific.

  3. Congratulations!! My grandmother and my mother both crocheted. I don't remember them stitching potholders, but my mother had several. I remember her having a round one similar to the one on the page from the book. I crochet and made several potholders years ago. Crochet is an art that I hope the younger generation continues.
    xx, Carol

  4. Hi Nancy,
    Just returned to look at the link again ..... I think the problem was my internet provider, we’ve been having a problem with it cutting out and that must be what happened last time I visited you. I viewed the link perfectly well today.
    Interesting magazine. I was particularly interested in reading (on their blog) how they are trying to eliminate plastic from the book (or is it a magazine) and their packaging. Sounds very hard to do so
    Barbara x

  5. Congrats on being published. I love your collected crochet and it's a very nice remembrance of your grandmother.I have a collection of vintage dollies and cloths. Some I use around the house, especially when we have guests, but many are in very poor repair and I have at last started to incorporate them into sewing projects after years of being afraid to cut into them :)

  6. Congratulations! It's always a thrill to see our names in print, and I love that you are in one of my favorite publications (anything by Uppercase). I don't have any doilies, but Dave's mother used to crochet us what she called dishrags. I now use them as lightweight potholders, and think of her. Such a fun post!
