
My String Quilt Project

Hi! I'm glad you stopped to see my string project for 
Thanks, Carla, for coming up with this great idea!
It was the stimulus I needed to get a new spring project made. 
The string projects that were posted earlier this week have been great.
If you haven't seen them all, the list of all the participants is at the end of my Easter Egg Runner tutorial. 

I had fun working on this Easter Egg table runner. 

I thought you might be interested in how I went about putting this together. 

A pile of bright fabric scraps, strings to be exact. 

Sew the strings together in a pleasing combination.

I sewed a background fabric from off-white fabric strips.

Run off a copy of an egg shape from a child's coloring book or the internet. 
I found mine HERE
Thin fusible interfacing.
Trace the egg shape onto the non-bumpy side of the fusible interfacing.
Cut 1/2" outside of the drawn line of the fusible. 

Lay the bumpy side (fusible side) on the right side of the string pieced fabric unit.
Sew on the entire drawn line.

Cut 1/14" outside of the drawn line to form an egg shape. 

Carefully clip a slit in ONLY the fusible interfacing.

Turn the egg right side out. Now the bumpy side of the interfacing is on the outside. 
This will be the backing of the egg and the edges of the egg will be turned under 1/4". 

I use only my fingers to press the edge of the egg and fusible.

See how the edge of the fusible is under the egg fabric?

Lay the egg face up with the fusible touching the right side of the stripped background fabric. 
Press the egg to the background fabric and the fusible will hold it in place.

 Lay a thin piece of batting on the back side of the stripped background, 
under the egg shape that was pressed on.

I used a blanket stitch around the egg shape to hold it and the batting in place. 

 I can see the stitches. 
Cut the excess batting from around the egg. 

Do this for all the eggs you will use on the runner. 
Place the stripped top on another layer of batting and a backing fabric.
Through all layers, machine stipple the stripped background. 
Come up close to the edges of the eggs so a puffy, raised shape is formed (because of the layer of batting that was stitched to the egg in the beginning). 

Bind the runner and enjoy a fun spring table decoration.

Thank you for visiting and reading the tutorial. 
I truly enjoy your comments and I like to reply, if I have a way to contact you. 

Visit all the participants in the All About String Blog Hop.


  1. This is such a sweet table runner, Nancy. Thank you for the tutorial. How perfect to make for Easter and such a great idea. Thank you for joining the All About Strings Blog Hop. I really want to tackle some Easter eggs.

  2. I love this! Thanks for sharing!

  3. What a pretty little Easter quilt, Bravo!!

  4. So pretty! Thanks for sharing how you made it.

  5. This is so cute. I’m definitely making this for my grandkids. Thank you.

  6. Project of the Day!!! Awesome Awesome Awesome Nancy.. I love this and I definitely want to make my own now. Thank you for the great tutorial.. I forget you can do that with interfacing so am happy to have the reminder.

  7. Strings were the perfect way to get colorful easter eggs!

  8. This is beautiful, Nancy! Thanks for giving us the tutorial too. I want to make one now.

  9. I love your table runner, a great idea.

  10. Thank you for sharing how you did this lovely spring runner. Perfect timing. And your eggs are perfect for spring. quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

  11. Wonderful Easter project! Such fun! I enjoyed your tutorial and really must take the time to employee this method of applique at some time. Thank you for sharing!

  12. Thanks for the great tutorial. I never would have thought to add the extra batting to the eggs, but what a great result! Cute, cute, cute!!!!

  13. Lovely project. Thanks for sharing the details and the tip with the appliqued egg. MelvaLovesScraps(at)NolanQualityCustoms(dot)com

  14. Love the table runner! I'll be remembering this for future projects.

  15. Easter eggs...now that was very clever and so attractive for the holiday season.

  16. What a delightful Easter Egg runner. I love how it's all strings. Wonder if I have time yet??? Thanks for the inspiration!

  17. That is adorable, Nancy. I love the effect that the batting creates. Thanks for the fun tutorial.

  18. What a fun and pretty table runner. Thank you for the tutorial.

  19. What an adorable table runner! Thanks so much for sharing!

  20. Great idea! Something you can use every year!

  21. You String-y Easter Table Runner is SEE DARLING!!! I will have to visit again to fully comprehend the methods used.

  22. Oh that is adorable - and perfect timing for Easter!

  23. I think my sister would love this table runner. I can't make it for this year, but maybe for next year. Thanks for a great idea and for the tutorial. Nancy A: rangerer@sbcglobal.net

  24. What an adorable table runner. My granddaughter would love one of these for sure. Thank you for the tutorial.

  25. What a great table runner. Love your easter eggs.

  26. Your table runner is fabulous!! Thank you for showing us how to create one for ourselves!

  27. Thank you for the tutorial. This is an idea I must use!

  28. Lovely table runner and a great tutorial for its clever construction.

  29. This is an adorable table runner. I love it. Perfect spring colors. Thanks so much for sharing.

  30. what a wonderful way to applique!! Thanks ever sew much for sharing, simply adorable.

  31. Such a cute Easter table runner. Thanks for sharing with us.

  32. Pretty strings eggs! Perfect for Easter.

  33. This is great! Awesome tutorial.
