I hope all of you enjoy the CURIOUS CATS block. I had fun designing it. I was on the lookout for mouse fabric while on our trip to the Upper Peninsula, and found this one at The Quilted Moose Quilt Shop.
My inspiration came when I found a photo of a block on the internet. I sketched it, but did not write down the website or blog it came from. It made me think of cats watching something interesting. Maybe fish or mice or bugs!
The traditional name of the block is Missouri Star according the The Quilter's Album of Patchwork Patterns by Jinny Beyer. The book has more than 4050 pieced blocks and it took me a bit of time to find one that matched. Below is the block as I first drew it in EQ7:
I changed it a bit as you can see in the block below.
Once I drew Curious Cats in EQ7, it was easy to cut the pieces for this block. EQ7 showed me the the rotary cutting requirements for the pieces and I just had to follow the directions:
For my Twisted Traditional Block, I used only 2 colors for the cats. But as you can see, more colors can be used.
If you would like to make this block here are the sizes of the pieces:
From Background Fabric cut:
- 4 A squares 3-1/2” x 3-1/2”
- 1 B square 7-1/4” x 7-1/4” and cut diagonally twice yielding 4 B Triangles
From each Cat Color cut:
- 3 C squares 3-7/8” x 3-7/8” and cut each diagonally once yielding 6 C Triangles of each color
From 5” Center Fabric cut:
- 1 D square 4-3/4” x 4-3/4”
I placed all of the pieces on the table as they were going to be sewn so I did not sew calico cats of different colors! (I have no photo of this step.)
To sew the block, begin with the center. Sew 2 C triangles (longer sides) of grey to opposite sides of the center square.
Sew the 2 C triangles (longer sides) of black to the other sides of the center square.
Trim off any dog ears from the triangles to reduce the amount of fabric when stitching all the units together.
Sew one of each color of C Triangle (longer side) to the larger B Background triangle (shorter side).
Two B background triangles will have C triangles of color 1 on the left side and the other 2 B background triangles will have C triangles of color 1 on the right side.
My 1/4" foot really helped keep the units the correct size when sewing!
Sew the units into rows.
See how two of the Flying Geese units have gray on the right side and the other two have the gray on the left side?

Then sew the rows together.
And the block is done.
To get the faces on the cats, I used thin copy paper and traced the outline of the cat's head. I folded the shape in half, drew an eye and half a nose and mouth on one side of the fold. I cut those areas out with tiny scissors and had a template.
For illustration, the photo above shows the template on the block after I had stitched the face. I placed this over each of the cat heads and used a chalk pencil to outline where I would stitch. I have not embroidered in a long time and think magnifying glasses would have helped to do a really great job. But, I got the facial features on each cat (and each one is different). I realized after I had done 2 cats that fusible interfacing would have helped keep the fabric in its proper shape. But overall, I know they are cats (as did my husband, thank goodness). Fabric paint pens could have been used and it would have been much easier.
This pattern is available for free for 2 weeks at PATTERNSPOT.COM after that the pattern will be available for $1.
If you make the block, please send me a photo and I will post it on my blog. It would be great to see how everyone interprets this block.
My cats would be black and white - to match my own !!
My cats would be black- I have a definite soft spot for black cats (though I'm not sure my black dog feels the same way!)
My cats would be black and white. Love the block. Thanks for the tutorial and the chance.
Thanks for the tutorial! My cats would be tabby and gray. svonfumetti at yahoo dot com
My cats would probably be black. Cute block!
My cats would be gray with green eyes in remembrance of a friend of mine's cat. Cute block. Thank you for sharing.
i like black for a cat.
Mine would be orange and brown, for the two cats we currently have.
Fabulous block!
Black or maybe tortoiseshell!
GFC follower!
I would choose blue cats, my favorite color. Great take on the MO Star block!
I am a GFC follower as Mrs. Kathy Davis.
I would choose black and white cats! Sweet block!
I am also a follower now! thank you again!
I would have orange, or black and white cats! I love the block!
I have an orange cat, and a gray one...so would make mine to match em! :) Verrrry Creative block! Love it!
I'm also a new Follower! :)
My cat is orange so I guess it will be Black and orange.
Cute Cute Cute! Thanks for the pattern and love the creative addition of eyes! My favorite cat owned was named Gemini and she was a Calico. But I think I would make mine black in honor of our twin cats: Barney and Boogie who were with us for our daughters entire childhood...Boogie lived 19 years!!!
You know I'm a fan and follower....as a GFC and I have ya right on my blogroll so not to miss a post:) Thanks for the chance at the give-away!
I would make this quilt in honor of my new cat. Her colors are black, brown and beige. Yes, this would be her quilt. Thank you so much for the chance to win. What an awesome giveway. I have printed out the pattern and will enjoy making this new quilt.
Sandi Timmons
I love this! I would make the cats grey, like the cat we used to have. sarah@forrussia.org
I signed up to follow you with google + sarah@forrussia.org
I'd make a table runner for my daughter and son-in-law to match their three cats…one gray, one orange and white and one black and white. Thanks for the adorable pattern :)
Mine would be tiger striped, both orange and black.
My favorite kitty was black and white so I would make the kitties to remind me of my sweet Petunia.
What fun! My cats would be calico colors, to match my own cats. Thanks for the chance to win!
Terrific fun, but not sure I would want to share with my cats. No doubt their "help" during the creative process will indicate their approval. Many thanks!
my cats would be white with blue eyes (simon) black (Joie) and
brown tigerish (Murray)
Well, there's Tiger and Blackie. They look just like their names. We are nothing if not creative with names at our house. Thanks.
That's easy - purple cats with silver eyes - for the K-State Wildcats. My little Cats' fans (grandchildren) would love them!
Calico of course!
My cats are black and gold.
My cats would be smoke.
I follow your blog :)
I have a black cat so it would have to be black. This block is so fun, what a great idea!
This is so adorable! my cats would be mostly black and white with a bit of gold. It would be so sassy, just like my cat!
My cats would be black & white. I have a brother & sister and they are as mischievous as the ones on your block look! LOL Thanks for the giveaway.
Thanks for visiting. Sorry I could not send you an email, I don't know how to contact you if rafflecopter selects you. I think black and white cats would make a great block. I like brights so I would use something bright in the center.
Thank you for becoming a follower. Glad you visited.
Thank you for visiting. I think your cats would be very pretty and definitely sassy with that bit of bling.
My cats are calico and black & white - thank you not only for the pattern but also for the chance to win :)
Thank you for visiting and commenting. I hope you enjoy the pattern. Unfortunately, if rafflecopter selects your name, I have no way to contact you. :(
I would do 2 to match my cats - one peach, white and gray and another orange and white
Kathy, your cats' colors sound lovely. I am sorry I have no way to contact you if you are selected. Hope you visit again.
My cats would be a black/white print and an animal print to match my 2 feline owners. My block would be animated and colorful. Thanks for the tute.
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