Welcome to my post for the
blog hop.

In honor of World Wide Quilting Day,
this blog hop is being hosted by Marian at Seams To Be Sew.
She came up with this idea (which I think is great) so quilters can
share something about their quilting passion that they might
think is Qwazy!
Marian has procured a nice little discount for all our visitors until March 25, 2016.
Everyone wins with this!
When you place an order at
Fat Quarter Shop,
enter the code: seamstobe316
for 10% off your order.
I have two giveaways listed at the end of my blog.
The giveaway is for today only.
It ends at 11:59PM EST March 23, 2016.
The requirements to join this blog hop were very simple:
"Tell us your quilting adventures, your proudest moments, how you got started quilting, show us your past projects, or make something fun and new that might be a little qwazy."
Will do. I have 40+ years of quilting tales that I could write about to fill those requirements. But that would fill a very large book or a very long post. So I will tell you a bit about my quilting journey over the years.
I learned to sew, mostly on my own, about the age of 8. I sewed clothes for myself through college and a bit beyond. Not knowing the ins and outs of quilt making, I made a twin size quilt for myself in my last year of college. It is hillarious when I think of it now. I cut 4 inch squares from a variety of polyester/cotton fabrics in red, yellow, black and blue. I sewed them together in, what I found out later is, the Trip Around the World design. I put the quilt top over the polyester batting and used my decorative stitches on my Kenmore 1974 model sewing machine to sew the layers together down the seam lines. I sewed the yellow sheet backing, pillowcase style, to the other sewn layers. I didn't quilt or tie the backing to the top!
I was very proud of it and used it for many years, even in my daughter's bedroom. I am not sure what ever happened to it. I could only find one photo with the quilt in it.
I didn't have a clue what was in store for me in the coming years.
My first teaching job took me to a small town in Michigan. I found a quilt shop 15 miles away where I took a class. We learned to quilt by hand! We made templates from cardboard, learned the 9-patch block, half square triangle blocks, and applique which we designed ourselves. We hand quilted the layers and the binding was wrapped around. I am still proud of this wall hanging. I thank Milly Splitstone for the skills she taught us in that class.
(I am going to say right now that I am SO HAPPY the rotary cutter came along!)
In 1979, I joined a local quilt guild (Tall Pine Quilters Guild) that was starting up. It was fun getting together with people who shared the quilting interest. We shared ideas, had a really fun newsletter with tips and patterns. I went to a quilt retreat one weekend which was really fun.
Home, family, and job kept me busy, so I dropped out of the guild....but after 20 years, rejoined. The guild has brought many opportunities. We have had nationally known speakers come to our guild for trunk shows and classes. We have had quilt shows. We have joined together for charity sewing as well as to have fun sewing our own projects.
While teaching, I introduced my 1st grade and kindergarten students to quilting. I used it as math lessons. The quilts they made were given to local charities for toddlers.
Over the past 16 years, I have tried to take quilting classes in just about every technique devised at many different venues. I have made many new friends and travel with them to new quilting destinations. I have joined online groups and swaps, which have challenged me beyond what I felt comfortable doing. I've made quilts for more people than I can remember.
I have a fondness for many of the styles and methods of quilting. I have learned that making quilt tops is easy if one breaks the design into small steps. And I revert back to my early hand quilting lessons....fabric can be manipulated, there are ways to accomplish what is desired in quilting if we know what is out there.
I enjoy blogging (started in 2011) and sharing what I am doing with others. I began designing patterns in house at a quilt shop in 2004. I have since designed for Cut Loose Press and other shops and individuals.
I have a book idea I am working on now and then as time permits. And am now an Island Batik Ambassador.
Quilting has been quite a crazy journey, but one I am happy to be on. I am glad you took the time to stop and read about my quilting. I plan to continue my journey for many more years.
I hope your journey leads you to new opportunities and you experience wonderful quilts.
See what Quilt Qwazy thing the others are doing via this blog hop.
March 23
Patchwork Breeze (you are here)
After you leave your comments at the above blogs
Stop In To Enter Only at Seams to Be Sew
March 24
Kwilt KrazyMarjorie's Busy Corner
After you leave your comments at the above blogs
Stop In To Enter Only at Seams to Be Sew
March 25
After you leave your comments at the above blogs
Stop In To Enter Only at Seams to Be Sew
Giveaway information!
You could win
one $25 gift certificate from
Fat Quarter Shop
Beauty Blocks
from Sweet Pea Machine Embroidery
Leave a comment telling me what class was your favorite
or what class you would like to take.
I have to have a way to contact you, so don't forget an email.
I have to have a way to contact you, so don't forget an email.
Then click enter on the Rafflecopter here on my blog.
a Rafflecopter giveaway
a Rafflecopter giveaway
I have been taking a quilting class at craftsy which is great.
I just finished a string quilt class. That was a lot of fun. I also just made Em,ily's Garden. Lots of applique on the borders. Not my strong suit. Jmikebalou(at)aol dot com
I'd love to take a class in FMQ! I find it rather tricky and think watching someone do it would help!
I have begun to try applique more as I tackle my Chuck Nohara blocks! And I am finding I enjoy it more and more....
I have not taken any classes, I tend to be self taught and hunt down how to do something when I need to learn it for a project.
I love applique and embroidery, but have not made a quilt with them.
I enjoyed reading your story. I am an introvert and don't do well in group classes. Classes are pretty much cost prohibitive for me. However, there is a new group starting a town near by that will teach you. You can work on your own project for one to donate. I'm going to look into it. You are right, we are so glad for rotary cutters AND the internet!
Thank you for being a stop on the hop.
Happy Easter
I have dabbled in machine embroidery. Recently I got myself a LA. So I would love to attend a class on long arming.
Thanks for sharing your story and your quilts! I've taken several on-line classes at Craftsy, and have learned a lot of useful techniques!
I've done a. Puppets of serger classes that are fun, but I really like the Craftsy classes! Great post....
I would like a paper piecing class. And your Anna quilt is darling!
I have not taken any classes yet but would like to take a class in FMQ. Thanks for the great giveaway.
Well Nancy, what a story you have. I do love some of the Cut Loose Press patterns! It's fun to see just how everyone got their start!
As for classes it's a toss up between Bonnie Hunter and Pat Speth. I'm a scrappy quilt kind of girl!
I've done several quilts with both embroidery and applique. Thanks for a nice post.
I've never taken a class. Likely will someday!
I've been taking a FMQ class by Angela Walters on Craftsy. Love your quilting story, great post!
I took a hand quilting class with a guild and it was so enjoyable! Love handwork!
Handwork is so portable, I have started some small projects for traveling.
I've embellished quilts with embroidery and love how it adds that extra touch!!
The only class I took was an informal get together to learn about how to quilt.
I have done some basic machine applique on a few projects-- I love the design possibilities wit applique!
I took a class on applique which was for beginners and was wool. It was fun
Beautiful work, I love it how you taught your school children quilting. I enjoy adding crystals and embroidery work to my projects. No, I haven't taken a quilting class.
First let me say I love the little circle tree. Is there a pattern somewhere? I would like to take a longarm class, but I guess I should wait until I get one. So I guess I'm going to take a ruler class instead.
I've never taken a class, although I wish I had. Love your basket with flowers!
I've taken free-motion quilting and paper piecing classes and learned a lot.
Funny you should ask. I've been working on an embroidery quilt for about 6 years! Each block has a setting with an embroidered bird or tow in it. 20 down, 10 to go! I plan to border each block with 2 inch colorful blocks for sashings then sew it all together. Going to be lovely but taking forever! Thanks for sharing your story. Your work is wonderful!
Nancy, No embroidery added to a quilt just yet, however I'm venturing into designing my quilt labels w/some hand embroidery..stay tuned! Applique still scares me, just started to learn and practice. Thank you for sharing.
I took a beginning quilting class when I started 10 years ago and several project oriented classes since then. I think it's wonderful that you introduced your students to quilting. What a great idea.
I've only taken a few quilting classes over the years and have mostly learned new techniques from the internet and people like you who share your ideas on blogs. Thank you for sharing your sewing journey!
I just made an embroidery added (featured, actually) quilt for my newest granddaughter. It turned out lovely, and I love that I can combine 2 of my passions into one precious gift. Thank you for sharing your story. lynnstck(at)yahoo.com
My favorite class to take? I'd love another class on free-motion quilting with my home machine. lynnstck(at)yahoo.com
What an interesting journey from amateur quilter to in house designer! I'd welcome a class in Embellishment. nelljeancam@gmail.com
sadly i have added neither to a quilt. i have done fancy machine stitching. good luck on your book.
quilting dash lady at comcast dot net
no i have not taken a quilt class. i have learned from my mom and some church friends. I do have a class from craftsy that i have not had time for yet. this year!!
your projects are wonderful.
quilting dash lady at comcast dot net
Great story thanks for sharing. Thank you for your generosity
I took a "beginners" quilt class years ago. Our options were to make either a wall hanging or full size quilt. Of course, I went for the full size. It was a hand sewn class. It took me twenty years to finish...mainly because I put it away for years. I always said that quilt would not have a machine stitch. It didn't. I've never made that statement again either! LOL
Lets here it for the rotary cutters!!!!! One of the first quilt classes I ever took was with Eleanor Burns quilt in a day in California. Remember tearing the fabric for one of her quilts?
Love your story - I have added applique and embrodiery to my quilts! I love taking classes - did a three day workshop this Fall that was wonderful! Really opened my eyes up to design potential and getting out of my rut!!! mumbird3atgmaildotcom
I guess I really like to learn on my own. I am watching a Wendy Butler class I ordered on line which moves at a pace I like. Just love to quilt!
I used embroidery to quilt one quilt only. It turned out pretty well.
I have only done limited applique and no embroidery on my quilts. The applique has all been fusible; I have never attempted needle turn. Maybe someday, but for now, I'm sticking to traditional piecing.
I've taken lots of classes. The latest was by Gyleen Fitzgerald on making Y seams easily.
Hello I am also from michigan..had to look your town up...I haven't been over on that side of michigan...I'm a yooper girl from newberry but grew up in Bath michigan...My moms a quilter stitcher...and I am to...I live in Maine now...Ty for your story and love your work....Ohhhhh bonnie hunter was just in michigan did you get to see her....Love her work... happyness04431@yahoo.com
YessI took a quilting class with the quilting gild i use to hang with...It was a landscape picture thing lol......Not my cup of tea.....
My first quilt (for our expected baby) was of embroidered blocks and have used embroidery in blocks since then.
I think one class that I really enjoyed most was fabric dying for quilting fabrics.
I made my grands some I Spy quilts, and I machine appliqued their names across the middle. They turned out cute.
I took a BOM Christmas quilt class, and it was fun. I finally finished it last year. LOL
I have not taken any quilting classes other than Crftsy one. I did buy a serger recently and went on a class to use this x
Iain.ross30 at gmail dot com
I love to take classes. The last "class" was actually more of a sew in with Kate Spain at a LQS this past Saturday. She provided 2 kits of her laminated fabric (which Moda is no longer producing) and a market basket tote pattern. One tote bag was donated to the Fairfield County, CT food bank and the other bag could be taken home.
I haven't added applique or embroidery to a quilt yet, but I have sewn some Dresden plate and heart blocks that are waiting their chance to become part of a quilt. Thanks for joining the blog hop. I liked seeing the pictures of your early work. I still have fabrics in those country colors hidden away in my stash.
HELLO,no I have not taken any classes!
I've taken a few Craftsy classes, one BOM quilt that I made for a friend. My husband wasn't too happy about that. Another class on Applique which I made a table runner for another friend.
My beginning class was a McCalls sew along _ Almost Amish - where I learned so many tricks. crystalbluern at tds dot net
I also love applique and have done many small project while I learned. I am doing some Lynette Anderson projects which is applique, embroidery and piecing. crystalbluern at tds dot net
What a lovely story Nancy, I enjoyed reading it thoroughly. The one thing I can say about living overseas, and being a quilter is that I miss the opportunities that being a guild member allows for. Just talking to other quilters and getting a sense of what they are doing can't be done online. While applique is what I love most, I actually enjoy other aspects of quilting also and I do enjoy dimensional embellishments. I'm so happy you joined us for this hop, and I love the new blog background. :)
I've often added applique to quilts. I don't really know how to embroider so I have only done the occasional french knot eye. Maybe one day I'll learn embroidery!
I have added applique and embellishments to several quilts but no embroidery yet. I love the creations of illusion applique and would love to take a class in this.
tushay3 (at) yahoo (dot) com
I've taken quite a few quilt classes on a variety of techniques. One class that was especially helpful was one on needle turn applique. I had tried to figure it out myself, but having a skilled teacher give instructions really made it all come together for me.
I went to the rafflecopter and just saw your questions. I do use machine embroidery on quilts, quite a bit actually. And I love doing machine embroidered applique. I learned to do needle turn hand applique in a class with Elly Sienkiewicz that my guild sponsored. She is one of the best and the Baltimore Album style blocks are beautiful but take too long for me. I love how fast my machine is. Thanks again for sharing.
I have never taken a class but if I were going to, I would love to take one (or many) on free motion quilting. Thanks!
Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
I have done a baby quilt utilizing machine applique. I've tried hand applique once, and I don't have the patience to work and get better at it! Machining is the way to go for me! I took a T-shirt quilt class with Martha DeLeonardis of Martha D Zines patterns. Great instruction and hands on. Really helped me over any trepidation I had with cutting into the t-shirts!
I have used embroidery and applique in quilts. Thanks!
Please click on the delaineelliott above for my email link.
I took a class at Road to California this year to challenge myself. It was Cara Gulati 3D Explosion. We drafted our own original design of scroll like spirals, with stripes and gradation fabrics. WIP, work on it daily...about ready for final piecing!!! No More Piecing classes, I got that, this was JUST the direction I needed to go!
I don't do embroidery nor would I buy an embroidery machine...not enough time in my life to do all the quilting I want to do! But applique is always in the mix, so portable, and rewarding.
I have done some raw edge fusible applique, but am taking a class at local quilt shop in April to learn more about applique.
I took a crazy log cabin quilt class that I loved. It helped free my choices and make quilts more doable for me.
I have added appliqué and embroidery to some quilts.
Love your designs. Thanks so much for sharing. I love adding embroidery and applique to my pieced quilts. I take lots of technique patterns - love the socail aspect.
I am working on log cabin ideas right now. It was one of the first blocks I learned and I have found a renewed interest in them. Have you added embroidery or applique to your log cabin blocks?
I think embroidery on quilt labels is so pretty. And it makes them special, too.
Oh wow, you brought up some old memories of blue, yellow and pink polyester. I made my first dress out of that stuff!! Ugh. So ugly. lol
As for the classes, I've taken a couple of the free ones on Craftsy, doing some machine embroidery. I also have an embroidery machine, I enjoy using when it isn't being tempermental! I have added embroidery blocks to a quilt.
I love to go to Amish country to purchase fabrics for charity quilts and Beads of Courage bags.
Thank you for visiting and your comments. I know...go big or go home! Glad to hear you followed through on your promise. But we all learn lessons along the way.
Thanks for visiting and commenting. I watched Gyleen Fitzgerald on The Quilt Show. She had some wonderful tips. Did you hand embroider the quilt?
never taken a class
i have used it on serval quilts
Thank you for visitng and your comments. I imagine the piano teacher really appreciated and handmade item for Christmas. I haven't heard the name Jo Morton in years. I see she has a blog and website. I will have to look closer at them. Good luck in the giveaway. I couldn't find an email for you.
I have added hand embroidery to quilts. Love the way it gives the quilt uniqueness.
I have taken several Craftsy classes and many through my guild, or at shows or at quilt shops. Just love to learn new things with a group of like minded people.
Thank you for visiting and your comments. I think tablerunners are smaller projects and great to try applique. Then we can move on to another project.
I have taken several classes. It is great to learn new techniques or to improve other ones.
I have added applique to several quilts but not tried embroidery yet.
This class sounds like one I would like to take some day. Also, I once said I didn't want to add machine embroidery as a hobby. I found out that the Kaleidoscope Kreator and EQStitch relate so well to quilting that I had to buy one! Thanks for visiting and commenting. Tried to find an email for you but couldn't. :(
Thank you for your comments and visiting. Many people I see add applique for uniqueness to their quilts. And it appears Craftsy is a popular venue for classes.
Thank you for visiting and commenting. Sounds like you are in the majority with taking classes and adding some applique.
Thanks so much for sharing the background of your journey. I had no idea about a lot of that. Your quilting designs are lovely, and I like the variety. Thank you for a chance to win, too. dezertsuz at gmail
I have added applique to my quilts, I have taken several classes via Craftsy.
Favorite class? Probably the Victory Quilt Block Party monthly class with Eleanor Burns (300 miles away from home) since I started quilting by watching her on TV--and then my quilt made it into the book! I've had so many wonderful classes through the years: lots with El and then there's John Flynn, Ricky Tims, Betty Cotton [actually finished that project in class!] Micki Lawler, Karen MacTavish, Pat Yamin, & Mark Lepenski -- and those are just some of the ones from classes at Road to California!
I have added applique, hand embroidery and machine embroidery to quilts.
Quilt classes - 2 fabric applique, Judy Niemeyer Bali bedrunner and several others.
I would love to take a Judy Niemeyer class or a quilt cruise!
I do applique once in a while...takes more time so I am not as fond of it as piecing. Thanks for sharing the giveaway!
I have taken many classes..my favorites are technique classes, like free motion quilting, or how to appliqué. Thanks for sharing the giveaway!
I have only been quilting for a few years but I love every aspect of it. Have done some embroidery on wall hangings.
I've added appliqué and embroidery to a quilted cushion cover, but nothing bigger than that.
jen dot barnard at btinternet dot com
I would love to take a class on making the traditional Lone Star quilt pattern.
My favorite class that I have taken was hand applique.
I enjoyed reading about your quilting journey!
my email is: bestbelle2010@aol.com
I have added applique to my quilts and embroidery, I love both techniques!
my email is: bestbelle2010@aol.com
What an adventure! I have never taken any classes. I am self taught, I read a lot of books and blogs and belong to a local Quilt Guild where lots of techniques are shared. As far as ever taking any, I don't know. The closest quilt shop is 2 hours drive away from home, so at this point, very unlikely.
I have not yet taken a quilting class but would like to. My daughter has been teaching me to quilt. mtmom57@gmail.com
I will be adding appliques to the quilt I am working on now. Hopefully it will be finished by the end of April. mtmom57@gmail.com
I have not taken a quilting class for years. My first one was Eleanor Burns, Irish Chain. Thanks for sharing! sewgood414athotmaildotcom
I have added applique, and both machine & hand embroidery to many of my quilts. I love these additions especially to quilts for my grand children. Thanks for sharing! sewgood414athotmaildotcom
Several years ago I embroidered snowmen blocks, one for each month, and assembled them in a quilt.
I've done lots of applique on quilts but I've never used decorative stitches to sandwich a quilt like you did. I enjoyed your story! My first quilt was made with scraps from old pants.
I took a class on free motion quilting once. It was great!
I took a class on free motion quilting once. It was great!
Early in my quilting journey I took the Craftsy class taught by Amy Gibson. It was a block of the month. She really got me on the right track and I have never looked back.
No embroidery or applique on quilts. Cross stich and applique by itself. 24Tangent@gmail.com
Several craftsy quilt classes: block of the months; next steps with your walking foot are some of them. You always learn something new. 24Tangent@gmail.com
I have added applique to a table runner and a mini quilt that hangs in my sewing room. I like to fussy-cut the fabric to find the perfect design when appliqueing. It adds such a great touch.
No, I have never taken a quilt class! Everything I've learned, I picked up by reading quilt books, blogs and on youtube!
What a journey; thank you for sharing. Yep, rotary cutter and mats are the best inventions since sliced bread. :) I love taking classes because I love learning. I have done many at my LQS and also Craftsy classes - both are great! I most always make my quilt labels using machine embroidery. Hand embroidery is also a passion
Have not added embroidery to a quilt, but have done a little bit of applique now & then. (I am soooo slow tho..giggle)
Have never taken a quilt class, or belonged to a Group either... Am learning with my 2 Daughter's tho, and we use books, Blogs & You Tube..one daughter loooves Pinterest as well
LOve your quilting journey. It must be so exciting to be working on a book. Love your work progressed over the years.
I hope to have a long quilting journey to share some day too. It is awesome to see where you started. My grandmother just showed me her first quilt last month. It was beautiful and makes me nervous to show her my first when it is complete! Thank you for sharing.
debbygrawn at yahoo dot com
I haven't added embroidery to any quilts, but I'm thinking about it!
I haven't added embroidery to any quilts, but I'm thinking about it!
My favorite class(es) were with Carol Taylor learning to free-motion quilt. She started me on my journey of quilting on my domestic machine. She is a great teacher and makes it fun.
Oh, a Judy Niemeyer class. I wish I could take one some day. Thank you for visiting and commenting. Happy quilting.
My favorite class on Craftsy was a sampler quilt done by Amy Gibson in the 2012 craft block of the month!
Free motion quilting is such a great skill to know. I hope your quilting journey is long and happy.
My favorite class is by Angela Walters on free motion quilting.
Craftsy classes appeal to many...we can work through them when we have the time. I like sampler quilts.
Yes, I've added both machine and hand embroidery to a few quilts. I love the look of embroidery and quilting.
I started sewing at an early age, too. I started out making Barbie doll clothes, which now that I think about it is very difficult because the pieces are so small. I made all my own clothes during my 8th, 9th and 10th grades. Then I got distracted until I had my own children. Quilting didn't come until my children were grown.
My favorite class has been a free motion quilting class with Christina Cameli and a class on making a Weekend Duffel Bag by Betz White.
Thanks for the Giveaway!
Thanks for sharing the story of your quilting journey. I only began at age 55, but have been quilting obsessively now for 6 years. I am preparing to add embroidery to a quilt for the very first time, as I only just learned how to embroider!
I take classes whenever I can and love to learn new techniques. The most recent class I took was with Cara Gulati. I learned to sew curves using no pins!
I love to add initials or names to baby quilts with embroidery :) x
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