
Quilting a Poetic Adventure of an Owl and a Cat

My Blog Hop Day is finally here!
Thank you for visiting. I hope you enjoy sewing up the block I designed.

Many thanks Marian, of Seams To Be Sew, for organizing this wonderful blog hop. This is the 5th year she has had a blog hop and I am happy to have designed a pattern for each of those years. HERE  is a link to the past years' Row Alongs, and some of the patterns are still offered for free (including all of mine during this special 5-year celebration)!

She has gathered generous sponsor donations for giveaways. Each designer has a featured giveway, so visit all the blogs! Electric Quilt Company  has the grand giveaway--an EQ8 program for one lucky person. Enter for a chance to win a giveaway(s) by using the Rafflecopter boxes on each blog post. On my post, they are found after my block. There are so many wonderful blocks to collect - for FREE - during the week of each designer's post date! 

Electric Quilt Company was kind enough to give us a 
Coupon Code YOU can use for 20% off EQ products!
The code is ROWALONG20 
and Expires October 8, 2019. 
Visit the Electric Quilt Company website 
to see what they have.

Thanks to Northcott Fabrics for their generosity in supplying each designer with up to 1 yard of fabric to use in their block. I chose half yard cuts of Stonehenge #39300-71 (green) and Out of This World #39156G-49 (deep blue with stars) shown below:

Once Upon A Time stories and poems was the theme for this blog hop. Each designer chose a story or poem(more like fairytales) they liked. The blocks are different from in the past. They don't make a row effect quilt. Different size blocks were designed for you to combine into a quilt size to fit your needs without that "row effect." Marian will be posting some layout designs to help you in your quilt layout. One designer even has filler blocks for you to use between your blocks.

My "Once Upon  A Story" Block

I enjoy piecing quilt blocks more than appliqueing, and I wanted a block that was going to help illustrate my literary choice. I created a 30" x 30" block for Edward Lear's nonsense poem, The Owl and The Pussycat, which was published in 1871. I've liked this poem for as long as I can remember - because it's nonsensical!

Facial details of the owl and the cat. The owl's eyes are small black buttons sewn on top of 1/2" diameter white buttons. The cat's mouth and whiskers are sewn with 6 stands of black embroidery thread.
Here is the entire sewn block photographed before I added facial features. 
It measures 30" x 30".
The faces and talons are paper pieced. 

This block could be a small quilt or wall hanging all by itself.

The Owl and the Pussy-cat went to sea   
In a beautiful pea-green boat,
They took some honey, and plenty of money,   
Wrapped up in a five-pound note.
The Owl looked up to the stars above,   
And sang to a small guitar,
"O lovely Pussy! O Pussy, my love,    
What a beautiful Pussy you are,         
         You are,         
You are!
What a beautiful Pussy you are!"

Pussy said to the Owl, "You elegant fowl!
How charmingly sweet you sing!
O let us be married! too long we have tarried:
But what shall we do for a ring?"
They sailed away, for a year and a day, 
To the land where the Bong-Tree grows
And there in a wood a Piggy-wig stood
With a ring at the end of his nose, 
His nose, 
His nose, 
With a ring at the end of his nose. 

"Dear Pig, are you willing to sell for one shilling
Your ring?" Said the Piggy, "I will." 
So they took it away, and were married next day
By the Turkey who lives on the hill. 
They dined on mince, and slices of quince, 
Which they ate with a runcible spoon;
And hand in hand, on the edge of the sand, 
They danced by the light of the moon,
The moon,
The moon, 
They dance by the light of the moon. 
**** Get My Pattern HERE****

I appreciate your comments and look forward to reading them. 

Now I'll tell you about my featured giveaway and the
2 Rafflecopter Giveaways. 
I do not have this lighting system. I have seen it at quilt shows. It really does give lots of light on the machine bed for the needle. After reading about the company and their lighting, I'll order one for my machine.

CLICK HERE to get more information about the 
Inspired LED Lighting System Kit for your sewing machine. 

This is a $30 value, can be shipped internationally, with shipping paid for by the winner. 

Please take time to read the rules and guidelines for the giveaway at the end of my post.

The grand giveaway is the EQ8 program from Electric Quilt Company. I upgraded to EQ8 after having used various versions of EQ programs since 2005. I really like EQ8. And there are online groups for those who own EQ programs, where quilter share what they are doing, ask questions, and get answers. So here it the Rafflecopter for the EQ8 giveaway:
The designers featured this week are:

Tuesday, 9/10/2019

Linda B Creative 

Patchwork Breeze (you are here)

KISSed Quilts

Thursday, 9/12/2019

Bobbin In Quilts Blog 

Clever Chameleon

Mountain Meadow Designs 

Giveway Rules:

  • All giveaways can also be entered at Seams To Be Sew. You must have commented at each of the blogs post to enter at Seams To Be Sew, 
  • Winners who win from entering at Seams To Be Sew will be checked for the comment. When you enter a give away that asks you to answer the question asked on the entry form, you do need to fill in that box. No answer means your winning entry will be ignored and cancelled.
  • You are only allowed to enter once at each of the featured day sites. Giveaways are different at each site, thus you can enter those giveaways. On the Electric Quilt giveaway, you can enter once each day of the row along, new sites to click on are assigned to this giveaway you need to visit each site to be credited for the entry.
  • I will start announcing winners on September 10, 2019, and finish announcing winners on October 13, 2019
  • You must give a valid email address when you enter the giveaways, any email returned to me, loses the ability to win automatically.
  • All giveaways run for 1 week with the exception of the Electric Quilt giveaway which runs the full course of the event.
  • You are given 3 days to answer the email, if you do not answer within 3 days a new winner will be drawn. Check those spam/junk mail folders, you may miss that winning email if you don’t do so because there are no exceptions to this rule.
  • If you are notified that you are a winner, in all cases except for the Fat Quartershop, and C&T Publishing winners, you will need to provide your name, address, city, state, zip code, country, telephone number, and email address.
  • No purchase whatsoever is necessary.
  • You must be 18+ in order to win a gift.
  • You are responsible for claiming and paying any tax owed on the value of any gift that you win. Prizes valued at $500.00 should be claimed.
  • All winners are chosen at random.
  • All winners will be announced on the blogs via the Rafflecopter entry form and/or post by the blogger at the site where they won and here at Seams To Be Sew. All winners must allow for their first name and first initial of their last name to be announced on this blog.
  • Odds of Winning a prize are based on a total number of rafflecopter entries during each week and in total for all giveaways.
  • This giveaway is void where prohibited by law.
  • Participating bloggers/designers may enter any of the giveaways.
  • The word giveaways in the rules and guidelines are also known as sweepstakes.
  • Additional Notes About Giveaways From Our Sponsors
  • I am not rich and I do not ask sponsors for money, they provide prizes only.
  • If they shipped the prize to me, you will be asked to pay for shipping.
  • All giveaways will be shipped that are in my home on each Saturday of the event.
  • An invoice will be sent to you via Paypal, and shipping will take place via Paypal, so your Paypal email will be needed to send the invoice. You will receive a tracking number except for overseas shipments. Depending on the weight of the prize, first class is always my first choice, but priority mail will be done where needed. Paypal fees are added to that amount to cover that fee.
  • Please note, every effort is made to protect the prizes. They go into a plastic bin when I receive them, and it is covered by an airtight cover. I have a dog in my home and I have a smoker in my home, so I do everything possible to protect the prizes.
  • Most companies are very good about getting prizes off to customers quickly also, but some companies are overseas, so please allow all sponsors a 2-week time period before you report to me that you still haven’t received your prize. When the company is overseas, it can take 6 weeks to 90 days for an item to also arrive.)
Thank you for reading all the way to the comments section. Have a wonderful day and I wish you happy quilting adventures!


Ronelle said...

Thank you very much for the lovely pattern you shared with us, Nancy. I really enjoyed the poem, thank you.

GranChris said...

The Owl and The Pussycat was a great choice. I love your pattern.

Susan said...

Thank you for the wonderful pattern, the fabric choices really pop.

Konstantina said...

Ah, one of my favorites...loved this poem as a child...thank you for the great pattern!

Elizabeth Coughlin said...

Your Owl and the Pussycat row is charming! I really like your fabric choices too.

Susan L. said...

The Owl and The Pussycat! Great block!

Karen said...

You did a great job with The Owl and the Pussycat!

Allison said...

I remember my mother reading "The Owl and the Pussycat" to us at bedtime. One of my favorites!

Nancy L said...

The Owl and The Pussycat is a great design!!

Sharon said...

I've always loved the Owl and the Pussycat rhyme. Thank you for sharing!

Lori Smanski said...

I havent read that story in a long time. Your block is wonderful. Thanks for sharing quilting dash lady at comcast dot net

rosemaryschild said...

The Owl & the Pussycat went out to sea in a beautiful pea green boat! Thank you for this memory, Susan

Orla V said...

I love it, I'm especially partial to owls - so cute. And your fabric choices are perfect. Thank you.

tac73 said...

Love The Owl and The Pussycat.

darlene said...

Very cute pattern and poem. Had never read the poem before.

wendy said...

Cute pattern! I haven't heard that poem in years... thanks for the pattern and the fond memories!

mumbird3 said...

I love the owl and the pussy cat - it was one of my fav poems growing up! Thanks for sharing!

Sharon Aurora said...

I like the Owl and the Pussycat too! Your block is so cute. Thank you for the pattern.

Sewgirl said...

What a delightful block! I love your Owl and Pussycat block. Thanks for the rhyme as well!

vivoaks said...

I haven't thought of the Owl and the Pussycat in decades!! It wasn't one that we heard very much when we were kids. It's neat to see it again and bring back memories of childhood. Thanks so much for the chance to win!! Blessings!

GrammaJ said...

Thank you for your row

Cynthia's Creating Ark said...

A very cool block.

Susan said...

A wonderful interpretation of the Owl and the Pussycat. Thank you for the pattern and the idea.

Liz Horgan said...

The Owl and the Pussycat!
Thanks for a great block!

Kathy L said...

The owl and the pussycat is the theme. Beautiful!

Linda Bratten said...

Fun block! The poem is new to me, but you did a great job interpreting it.

Linda Bratten said...

Love the pieces owl and pussycat!

Lorna said...

It is called The Owl and the Pussy-Cat. THanks for the pattern

apple blossom said...

Owl and Pussy cat

Carol O said...

Thank you for the pattern, Very cute!

Paula G said...

Love your Owl and Pussycat pattern. Hope to make this before next year.

Nancy said...

Thank you all for visiting. I appreciate the lovely comments you have left. If you had an email for a reply, I am working on replying. If you were a no-reply commentor, please know that your comments have been very welcome and I hope you enjoy sewing the pattern.

Dix in Canada said...

A very neat pattern for the Owl & the Pussycat. Thanks so much for sharing your talents as well as the poem - has been a long time for me hearing/reading it & was great to have it right there!
dixie dot mcadam at gmail dot com

Cecilia said...

Great block! I love all of the details you added. The Owl and the Pussycat is a cute story.
cecilialyoung at gmail dot com

Sally said...

Lots of good memories when I saw your darling block. Thank you

Joanne said...

I always liked that poem. Cute block

Jenny98223 said...

I remember my mother reading "The Owl and the Pussycat" to us at bedtime. One of my favorites!

Karrin Hurd said...

Great pattern, thanks so much for sharing

Sandi1100 said...

I love your owl and pussycat row. It's adorable. You designers are so talented. Thanks for sharing.

whistlebet57 said...

Thanks so much for the Owl and the Pussycat. I have never read the entire row. I also want to thank you all for the creativity, cost, and time you all put in.
Elizabeth, Silverdale, WA

nancy c said...

nursery rimes are such a lost art! love this one and what a great pattern you have shared. Thank you!

Susan said...

I have always love this nonsensical poem too. Nice block.

Nancy D said...

The Owl and the Pussycat.

Farm Quilter said...

I had never heard of the Owl and the Pussycat, but your block certainly introduced it to me!! Love your block - thank you for the pattern.

Robin said...

I have always loved this oem, even as a child. I guess all children like nonsence literature. It's funny and easy to memorize. As to the theme, It was meant for a 3 year old so I don't think there is a theme at all just enjoyment.

Debby said...

I love the owl and the pussycat! What a great choice. I will have to google the meaning of the word “runcible” now that I am an adult and pay more attention to such things 🙂 Thank you so much for your pattern and this reminder of a loved poem.

Carol Swift said...

This is such a cute block for one of my favorite poems! Thanks for sharing!

Andrea S. said...

Love the Owl and the Pussycat block!

Marian said...

sshhhh!!! This is one of my favorites this year. i simply love this pattern. So very creative Nancy. Your inspirational row designs are always fun each and every year. I'm so honored you joined me again this year for the fun and here's to more to come.

Renea said...

The Owl and the Pussycat

Mary Lou P. said...

Love this tale and your pattern. Thank you so much!

OhioLori said...

We loved the Owl & Pussycat when the kids were little!! Thank you for sharing :)

Emily said...

The Owl and the Pussycat has long been one of my favorites. I love your pattern, though I will have to add a runcible spoon just because I like to say it! Thanks for a fun pattern!

PuppyPaws said...

I love this poem! What a sweet quilt, thank you so much.

BarefootThunder said...

your owl and pussycat design is wonderful. thanks for sharing.

Amanda Meister said...

The owl and the pussycat. I loved reading your post.

Jan said...

The Owl and The Pussy Cat theme is wonderful and I remember it from my own childhood. Thank you!

Elizabeth said...

The poem The owl and the Pussycat. fun design

nicolesender said...

The Owl and The Pussy Cat is the theme! Cute block!

Jennifer Fulton Inquiring Quilter said...

I like that poem too! Such a cute block. Thanks for sharing on Wednesday Wait Loss.