
A Winner and New Beginnings

I enjoyed the Autumn Applique Animals Blog Hop. I am so happy with the turnout of blog hoppers to my sight. For me, it was a good number, since this was only my second hop. I am watching for other hops in which to participate. Welcome to the new followers of this blog, as well.

I have the winner of MY Giveaway of 4 fall fat quarters. It is Kathy L and I will contact Kathy to get her mailing information. 

I titled this post New Beginnings. And today, I feel like I am finally on the downward side of a very high hill (not steep, just high). The past two weeks were very busy for me. I had so many things I had to get done. I have taken care of them and things are falling into place. 

Please don't wait until the next blog hop to come back to my blog! I am going work on some type of tutorial or pattern to share on a regular basis. I will blog atleast once a week and share with you something I am working on. This also means I will be learning more about Blogger and maybe revamping some of my layouts. One New Beginning.

I have finally gotten my foot into the publisher's door, and that is encouraging. I have made a commitment to work more dilegently on my patterns and submit them to magazines, etc. and see where it goes. This is something I have been trying to do for 10 years, but realize I have not put my whole self into it. So another New Beginning!

I am working out details and plans in my head and on paper to host a blog hop in the new year. And since I have put it out there in print, I will carry through with that goal. An Exciting New Beginning!

Lastly, for now, I recognize one thing that is hindering me in my goals is an unorganized sewing room. This is going to be the longest, toughest of goals to meet; but I must organize. I spent more time in the past 2 weeks looking for things I needed only to find I didn't put them where they belonged. I know many quilters have posted on various sites that they need to organize. Does anyone have a really helpful idea of how to start? I suppose if it were summer I could put the fabric outside in order to organize that, but autumn in Michigan is so unpredictable. Why just the other night the wind was so blustery that I know my fabric would have been blown to the neighbor's yard (100 yards aways and she doesn't sew!). 

So, thanks to all of you for hopping. Thanks to anyone who can offer a good organizational tip. And please stop by to see what I have to share with you. 

Happy Quilting!


A Little Time to Rest

The Blog Hop was fantastic. Even I learned some new things from the other bloggers. I hope each of you learned something. 

I have had a long week with many things happening, not just the blog hop. I think tonight I am going to sit and read a magazine or begin a short book.

I did get the final samples done for the November and December classes I will be teaching at The New Ewe. I am continuing with the Mug Rug Social- a free event with ideas and a product to help those of us who quilt or craft. The November Mug Rug is a Dresden Fan Turkey with applique. (I added a binding after I took this photo and forgot to take one final photo: 

I have the December Mug Rug in my brain, but not yet begun. It is a braided, bias strip wreath, plus a little extra. I will post soon. 

I am excited about the Kitchen Trio with a potato bag, potholder, and bowl cozie. 

And finally, I will be teaching my own CLP pattern: Rings Placemat Set. It should be fun. 

Thank you again for stopping by. Watch for more EQ ideas here at Patchwork Breeze!


Blog Hopping Ends Today

Today is the final day of the Autumn Applique Animal Blog Hop. I am sad to have it end because I have seen and learned new things from the bloggers. I am so impressed by the work and ideas shown in these blogs. Thanks again to Electric Quilt and Beaquilter.com

For those of you who commented so positively on my tutorial, thank you. I didn't want to make it too long or boring, but I wanted you to be able to replicate the apple and try something that was, maybe, new.

Bea didn't know it until I told her today, but I did not use the EQ PatchDraw Block worktable (applique) until I joined her April 2013 blog hop. I always designed pieced blocks using EQ's EasyDraw Blocks. I never thought I could design applique patterns. I have learned quite a bit through the blogs. 

So, here is the silly character I designed using a gooseneck gourd that I had seen in a seed catalog. I did not copy the photo. I just tried to draw its shape the best I could. I knew I could grab the bezier points and shape the objects the way I wanted. So here it is. Maybe not yet completed, in fact, I think I need to get into the motif worktables and see if I can add more detail to it from there. Maybe a leaf for an arm?

If you have not been to all the blogs, here they are and below the list is information about the Giveaway! 

October 21st

October 22nd

October 23rd

October 24th

October 25th
Visit Carol and "EQ Mouse" and leave them a comment as entry into the EQ7 Program giveaway

Those who leave a comment on my blog today, telling me which of my applique designs you could possibly use in a project, are entered into MY giveaway--this great bundle of fat quarters.  I will announce my giveaway winner on October 28.

I will mail this fat quarter bundle within the U.S. If someone outside the U.S. wins, I have a collection of PDF patterns I have designed to email to you.
I must have a way to contact you. If you are a no-reply blogger, or do not have a blog, you must leave your email address in the comment. If I can't contact you, I will not be able to include you in the drawing. I do not accept anonymous comments. They go into my spam file! I will leave this contest open until 11:59 EST on October 25, 2013. 

Have fun with your quilting designs. And always feel free to share them with me. I would like to see what others are designing.


Applique Apple Tutorial

Hello. Thank you for stopping.

Today is my scheduled day to post an EQ7 drawing tutorial for the Autumn Applique Animal Blog Hop. First, I want to thank Bea of beaquilter.com for inviting me to once again participate in one of her blog hops. They are always fun. 

And a big thank you to Electric Quilt for sponsoring this blog hop. They have a Great Giveaway for one lucky blog hopper. You will find the details after the tutorial.

I will show you how I designed this cute green apple. 
I must tell you that I save each step of my drawing in the Sketchbook as I go. It insures that if my computer has a hiccup I don't lose any work. PLUS, I can get back to something I liked (or didn't) and move the design in a different direction.

Open EQ7, click on Block>New Block> Easy Draw + Patch Draw at the top of the worktable. Click the appliqué tab at the bottom of the screen.

I want to draw a heart using the Drawing Toolbar. My toolbar shows a circle. If I click on the tiny triangle in the top corner of the Oval Tool button, a pop out menu shows and I click on the Heart shape.

I draw a heart and will make it a bit wider and change the shape a bit to look like an apple. 

To make changes, I select the Pick tool button--the arrow at the top of the Drawing Toolbar.

I want to turn the heart just slightly to the left. This Angle of Rotation box allows me to enter a number. An arrow shows that the angle of rotation turns clockwise. Since I want the apple to rotate to the left, I use a larger number.  Play around with this tool and see what happens. 

To change the point of the heart shape, I select the Shape tool button (circled in red). Then click on the point of the heart. A square, black node appears. There are two blue lines coming out from this node. 

I work with one side at a time. I click and hold onto one of the little, square, open boxes at the end of one blue line and move it down to the bottom of the worktable. I repeat for the other blue line. The shape of the heart changes and looks more like an apple.

I add a stem by selecting the Line Tool (green arrow) and connecting the ends of the lines. Since I drew the stem after the apple, the EQ automatically places the stem in front of the apple. I want to position it behind the apple, so I select the stem and then click on the send to back button (red arrow). 

Leaves are next (looks a bit like hair to me). I use the Oval tool again; but it is a heart and I want leaf shapes. So I click the tiny black triangle again and select a leaf shape. I draw one. 
To make the other leaf, I click Edit on the top taskbar and select Copy. Then I select Edit again and click on Paste. (You could, instead, use CTRL + C to copy, then CTRL + V for paste.)

I have a second leaf, but it is facing in the wrong direction. While that pasted leaf is selected, I right click on it and a box appears. I want to click on Symmetry...

When I do, this little symmetry box appears. 

I click on Flip H (Horizontal) and the leaf is facing the other way. I move it to the position I want, on the other side of the stem. 

There is another way to Flip.  Use the button shown at the top (green circle).

Now it needs the eyes. I draw a circle. By holding the CTRL key while I draw it, a perfectly formed circle is made. (I release the CTRL key before I release the mouse.) I draw a smaller circle inside that circle. I select both circles by holding the shift key as I click first on the small circle and then click on the large circle. I copy and paste, so I have two eyes. 

I can flip the eyes horizontally or vertically if I want to get sillier looks, or whatever.
I finally want a smile before I color this apple. 

I use the Bezier Curve tool (green arrow above). I draw one arc for the bottom of the smile. Stop while holding the mouse button (like putting the needle down and pivoting with the sewing machine) and then draw another curve off that end point to the point where the first arc began.

And finally I select the Color tab at the bottom of the Worktable and color the applique. 

I hope this tutorial was helpful. 

Leave a comment on my blog. It counts as an entry into the BIG Giveaway from EQ. Visit the other blogs listed below and your is another entry. This giveaway is now closed.

 From the combined comments of all the blogs, ONE lucky person will be chosen on November 1. The winner will be picked by random.org 

But That Is Not All!

I have my own special giveaway for ONE lucky person! In keeping with the Autumn theme: this lovely bundle of fat quarters.

I will mail this fat quarter bundle within the U.S. If someone outside the U.S. wins, I have a collection of PDF patterns I have designed to email to you.

To Enter My Giveaway: 
Your comment on my blog will count as one of the entries for the EQ7 program giveaway. PLUS, I will count it as an entry for my giveaway. 

Earn a second entry for my giveaway by returning here on October 25 and leaving a comment telling me which of my applique designs you could possibly use in a project. I will announce my giveaway winner on October 28. 

I must have a way to contact you. If you are a no-reply blogger, or do not have a blog, you must leave your email address in the comment. If I can't contact you, I will not be able to include you in the drawing. I do not accept anonymous comments. They go into my spam file! I will leave this contest open until 11:59 EST on October 25, 2013.  

Please return tomorrow to see the final applique I designed and to find out what other projects I have to share with you.

Here is the schedule of bloggers:

October 21st

October 22nd

October 23rd

October 24th

October 25th


New Pattern Release and Applique

First, I am happy to tell you that my pattern, Rings Placemat Set, designed for Cut Loose Press, has been released today yesterday! These patterns are available to Local Quilt Shops through Checker Distributing. Here is a photo:

Now, the applique reveal for today is an acorn. 

This little guy won't fall far from the tree, but he sure looks surprised by what is happening to him!

Tomorrow is my tutorial reveal day. Do make it a point to stop back. 

The Autumn Applique Animal Blog Hop 
schedule is as follows: 

October 21st

October 22nd

October 23rd

October 24th

October 25th

Electric Quilt Company is sponsoring this hop and is giving away ONE full version of the EQ 7 program ($189 value) to ONE lucky person.  It is easy to enter! 

Just comment on the featured blog(s) each day. From the combined comments of all the blogs, ONE lucky person will be chosen on November 1. The winner will be picked by random.org 

Don't forget my own special giveaway for one lucky commenter.
On October 24, my featured day, your comment will count as one of the entries for the EQ7 program giveaway.
PLUS, I will count it as an entry for my giveaway. You can earn a second entry for my giveaway by returning here on October 25 and leaving a comment telling me which of my applique designs you could possibly use in a project. I will announce my giveaway winner on October 28. 
I must have a way to contact you. If you are a no-reply blogger, or do not have a blog, you must leave your email address in the comment. If I can't contact you, I will not be able to include you in the drawing. I do not accept anonymous comments. They go into my spam file! I will leave this contest open until 11:59 EST on October 25, 2013.  


Another Applique Block and More. . .

First, the next Autumn Applique Animal Block that I designed is this little crow. I thought with the corn being harvested, a crow might be worthy of an applique. I suppose it could be used with a Halloween decorating theme as well. Come back tomorrow to see my next applique design. (Check below the schedule to find out about the BIG Giveaway, as well as my smaller giveaway.)

The Autumn Applique Animal Blog Hop 
schedule is as follows: 

October 21st

October 22nd

October 23rd

October 24th

October 25th

And, don't forget:
Electric Quilt Company is sponsoring this hop and is giving away ONE full version of the EQ 7 program ($189 value) to ONE lucky person.  It is easy to enter! 

Just comment on the featured blog(s) each day. From the combined comments of all the blogs, ONE lucky person will be chosen on November 1. The winner will be picked by random.org 

Don't forget my own special giveaway for one lucky commenter.
On October 24, my featured day, your comment will count as one of the entries for the EQ7 program giveaway.
PLUS, I will count it as an entry for my giveaway. You can earn a second entry for my giveaway by returning here on October 25 and leaving a comment telling me which of my applique designs you could possibly use in a project. I will announce my giveaway winner on October 28. 
I must have a way to contact you. If you are a no-reply blogger, or do not have a blog, you must leave your email address in the comment. If I can't contact you, I will not be able to include you in the drawing. I do not accept anonymous comments. They go into my spam file! I will leave this contest open until 11:59 EST on October 25, 2013.  

My New Pattern Announcement!
I got word from Cut Loose Press that my first pattern is ready for print! I am so excited. They said they would release the information on the Checker website later on Tuesday, October 22! Yeah! I am doing a happy dance. I will post a photo tomorrow.

Teaching Samples in Progress
The next newsletter for The New Ewe is being drafted. I have been working on the class samples. One class is Kitchen Trio a microwave bowl cozie, a potholder, and a microwave heating pouch (AKA: Potato Bag, Corn Bag, etc.). These were easy and fun to make. I am still working on a casserole/tablerunner combo and two months of mug rug patterns. 

"Four in Art" Challenge Progress
I have the applique portion of my 12" square piece done and am ready to begin the quilting. I bought heavier hand quilting thread to use. I will do a test sample to see how it works in the sewing machine with a larger needle. If not, I will be hand quilting!

I have been inspired by Elizabeth's postings regarding our year-long theme of "Urban" with our first quarter focus on "Maps." I have not posted any photos yet. I am a new member of this group and I do not know what I would or should post. I will take photos prior to quilting for posting.

Visit Wednesday to see my next applique design.


2013 Autumn Animal Blog Hop Begins

Today begins the Autumn Animal Blog Hop 
hosted by Bea Lee from Beaquilter
The schedule is as follows: 

October 21st

October 22nd

October 23rd

October 24th

October 25th

We each have used EQ7 to design an applique of an autumn animal, or something related to the season. I know Bea likes to design things with big eyes, so I designed some appliques with big eyes. 

My tutorial reveal will be on October 24; but I thought that each day, up until then, I would post the other designs I came up with.

So, today I will show you my turkey. I do not have a detailed tutorial for this design, but maybe you will be able to do something like this. 

And, if you don't have an EQ7 program to use, we have an announcement:

Electric Quilt Company is sponsoring this hop and is giving away ONE full version of the EQ 7 program ($189 value) to ONE lucky person.  It is easy to enter! 

Just comment on the featured blog(s) each day. From the combined comments of all the blogs, ONE lucky person will be chosen on November 1. The winner will be picked by random.org    

Now, I have my own special giveaway for ONE lucky person! In keeping with the Autumn theme: this lovely bundle of fat quarters.

I will mail this fat quarter bundle within the U.S. If someone outside the U.S. wins, I have a collection of PDF patterns I have designed to email to you.

You wonder how to enter? 
On October 24, my featured day, your comment will count as one of the entries for the EQ7 program giveaway. 
PLUS, I will count it as an entry for my giveaway. You can earn a second entry for my giveaway by returning here on October 25 and leaving a comment telling me which of my applique designs you could possibly use in a project. I will announce my giveaway winner on October 28. 
But, I must have a way to contact you. If you are a no-reply blogger, or do not have a blog, you must leave your email address in the comment. If I can't contact you, I will not be able to include you in the drawing. I do not accept anonymous comments. They go into my spam file! I will leave this contest open until 11:59 EST on October 25, 2013.  

Come back to see the next applique reveal tomorrow.